Signs Your Aging Parent Needs Help!
As your parents age, they will begin to need more help than before no matter how much they deny it. Sometimes, even if you go ahead and ask if everything is fine, you are likely to get the usual “I am doing great” response. So, how do you know when to step in when they aren’t even willing to admit that they need help? Well, here are some signs that you must look out for: They often forget to pay household bills on time or at all Driving safely becomes an issue. For instance, there is a rise in their traffic violations & accidents. They lack motivation to cook meals, do not eat regularly, and often have outdated food stored in the fridge for too long. They overlook personal hygiene. You often see them with unkempt hair, lengthy or dirty nails, body odor, poor oral hygiene, etc. The lose track of medications resulting them in overdosing, forgetting doses, or sometimes taking the wrong medicines at the wrong times. They no longer recognize the need for household maintenance. ...